Welcome to all who receive and read this newsletter!
I was reflecting on how Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving; and even though the season is now over and we are rejoicing in the victory of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ- we still continue our Lenten sacrifices to bring about a victory for Life by helping others to realize the humanity of the pre-born child! Just as Christ suffered and died for our sake, we can sacrifice in many ways emulating Christ and asking God to change the hearts of so many in our world who do not see the child in the womb [that] is made in God’s image, [who] has a divine purpose and a right to life!
The ultimate sacrifice was the giving of life while we were still sinners. We can give up something of our life to help others overcome their plague of indifference, immediate gratification, and ignorance that has led to the taking of human Life over the past 50 years! Maybe we can give up some well-liked food or not eat between meals. Or, we could give up a favorite TV program and instead do something more Christ-like like visiting a sick person or shut-in; or writing a letter to the editor testifying to the clear humanity and personhood of the Mother and the pre-born child! Both need to be recognized and supported through the entire pregnancy and beyond! Which should lead us to almsgiving to a worthwhile charity! Some organizations that support both mother and child in our area are MOM’s House, The Gabriel Project, Birthright, and Precious-Life! Our organization focuses on educating the public on the dignity of the human person from conception through all stages until natural death., focusing on the injustices of abortion, infanticide, embryonic Stem cell research, and euthanasia! You can see and hear us speak and give out literature on these topics at the county fairs in Somerset & Cambria Counties. And [ you are also welcomed] at our Annual Prayer Breakfast at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall in New Germany, PA around late October.
We are grateful to you for your support! Please continue to work with us to overcome the greatest injustice of our time-legal abortion! It has taken the lives of over 65 million in our Country!
Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your loved ones Abundantly!
Ann E. Poole