
Citizens Concerned for

Human Life

Choose Life

Our Mission

Citizens Concerned for Human Life, Cambria-Somerset Chapter is a grassroots inter-denominational group of passionate volunteers dedicated to educating individuals on the sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. As a chapter affiliated with the PA Pro-Life Federation, the CCHL opposes abortion, infanticide, fetal tissue research, and euthanasia. All of these procedures kill innocent human life.

Donate to help end abortion

Ways to Contribute

Become a Member

You don’t have to come to meetings – just keep you informed so you can spread the word.


Donate your time by providing a service to benefit our organization and spread our message.


Pray for our cause daily or join us for our weekly prayer vigil, every Thursday 3-4 PM.


Your generosity is appreciated and needed to support our great cause of ending abortion!

Upcoming Events


Learn the facts to help spread the pro-life message

Read our news for important updates

Attend or volunteer at an upcoming event