
2022 Abortion Statistics

In 2022, there were 34,838 abortions performed in Pennsylvania.

2021 Abortion Statistics

In 2021, there were 33,206 abortions performed in Pennsylvania.

How many 12 year olds had an abortion in 2019?

Click on 2019 PA ABORTION STATISTICS provided by the PA Department of Health

Stem Cell Education

This Educational Page Appeared In 8 Newspapers in 2008!
Tribune Democrat, Somerset Daily American, The Mountaineer Herald, The Cresson Mainliner, The Nanty Glo Journal, The Portage Dispatch, The Star Courier
There is so much confusion surrounding the funding of stem cell research. Most people don’t even know that there is ethical ADULT stem cell research. Many don’t know that EMBRYONIC stem cell research requires the destruction of the human embryo in its earliest stage of development. The media continues to push the “potential” hype surrounding Embryonic Stem Cell Research while basically ignoring ADULT successful therapies.
This educational page begins with “What is a Stem Cell?” and ends with the issues and root cause of the confusion. You may have guessed it – greed.

It is scientifically incontrovertible fact that a human person exists from the moment of fertilization in the mother’s womb and does not receive another cell from his mother’s body. He or she is genetically complete, unique, and cannot be duplicated. All of the characteristics that person will have as an adult are already determined, including eye color, skin pigmentation, sex and intelligence potential. With nourishment and time, the new individual life will develop from the instant of fertilization through childhood, adolescence, maturity, and old age, to natural death.