Welcome to all who receive and read this newsletter. It has been a while since I have written and there are many circumstances that have brought hope to our pro-life causes since our last newsletter. They include The Texas Heartbeat Law which is making abortion illegal in Texas after the baby’s heartbeat and Dobbs vs
Jackson Women’s Health Organization which is a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks. The later law is now a law that is challenged by the abortion industry and is before the U.S. Supreme Court. The court’s final ruling is due sometime in June this year. Some Constitutional experts have expressed that there is a distinct possibility that the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision may be overturned with the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization being ruled upon. This indeed should give us hope; however, such a ruling would bring the issue of each individual State to decide how to handle the issue. So, our fight for the Right to Life for the pre-born children goes on.
I’d like you to know that our parent organization, The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, has submitted amicus curiae brief calling the Justices to overturn Roe. The brief notes that “a pregnant woman and her unborn child represent two distinct patients, who should be treated as such” and the brief goes on to say “Roe was a radical decision that overturned the legislative judgements of all 50 states. It was based on flawed understanding of the humanity of the unborn child and views of obstetrical practice that are outdated because they fail to treat the unborn child as second patients in pregnancy …” These are excellent points made to the Supreme Court by the Federation, so our own hope abounds. Keep your prayers for this ruling to be on the right side of true justice and of life.
May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly!