Summer 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to all who receive and read this newsletter. The battle for the right to life of the pre-born child is intensifying like never before! Pro-abortion advocates would have us believe that being pro-life is a losing position, especially in the political arena. They have misled many by pouring money into critical political races and spreading falsehoods to secure abortion rights. A glaring example is the recent amendment to Ohio’s State Constitution. In that case, abortion advocates used deceptive language to confuse voters, much like magicians who use illusions and sleight of hand to deceive their audience.

One hot summer when I was about 12 years old, my brother Nick and I were visiting some neighborhood friends, and we decided to go for a walk in the countryside. Following the train tracks, we came across a tunnel. It looked small, and we could see the other side, so we decided to walk through it. The tunnel was much narrower, darker, and longer than it appeared. We were about halfway through when our friend Cathy stopped, put her ear to the track, and announced, “A train is coming!” There was no room on the sides of the tunnel; if a train came, it would likely hit us. We started running for our lives and just made it out of the tunnel in time as a massive engine roared by. The engineer saw us, shook his fist, and yelled something we couldn’t quite make out.

This experience reminds me of the dangerous illusion that threatens our society today: the idea that abortion might be necessary for one “good” reason or another. This is a lie! There is never a true need for abortion. From the moment of conception, a zygote is a living, unique human being, growing rapidly—this is how you and I began our lives! If you are a person, the growing zygote, embryo, or fetus is also a person. Why, then, is it acceptable to take his or her life? We are not opposing anyone’s “reproductive rights”; we fully support the right to reproduce. What we stand against is the so-called right to kill a pre-born child. No one has the right to take the life of an already existing person.

Let us not be deceived by this dangerous tunnel of delusion, only to be struck by the train of total destruction of human reason and compassion. True reason and compassion care for both the mother and the child.

Please continue to pray for an end to abortion and be ready to answer God’s call in whatever way He leads you to fight this great injustice.

May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly!

Ann E. Poole

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