Fall/Winter 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to all who receive and read this newsletter. I hope you have enjoyed the Christmas Season, getting together with your family and friends to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child.

God is the Creator of all, and He loves all He created. He has a special love for mankind because He made man in His image. He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to tell us of the Father’s love for us and to be our Savior. This is why abortion is such a grave sin, it denies God is the Creator; it denies God’s love for us. It, abortion, betrays Jesus’s and the angel’s message, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.”

As you already know, this past January marked the 40 years of legalized abortion in our country. Forty years of grave mortal sin against God, over 56 million American lives not with us, children God created, children He knows, named, and loves. We are a people who believe that God has called us to bring the truth of His love to others who do not believe. It is a tremendous undertaking.

We sometimes grow weary and sometimes lose sight of our goal, but, just as He, Jesus, told Peter after Jesus preached from the boat on the seashore: “Put out to the deep and cast your nets.” Peter replied, “Lord, we have been fishing all night and haven’t caught anything! But at your word, I will do it.”

So, Peter pulled out and cast the nets again trusting in Jesus, and the catch was astounding! So, it will be with us if we just listen to the Lord, continue to pray, and work for the Absolute Truth. Remembering that the lives of the unborn, the elderly, and the handicapped have a dignity assigned by God.

God loves His creation; we are His witnesses. Do not give up hope, cast your nets one more time; your catch will be astounding!

May you and all your family and friends have a very Blessed and Joyous New Year!

Love and prayers always,

Ann E. Poole

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